Full Text Search of the Fleet Sheet Archive


Searching the Fleet Sheet Archive

The Archive contains all the issues of the Fleet Sheet since 1992. The Archive is updated regularly and has a time-delay of about one business week.

Searching the Archive is easy. Any number of words may be entered, as long as they are composed of at least two letters each. However, a search will only produce results that match all the words entered, so only relevant words should be included.

Words may be excluded from the search results by preceding them with a minus sign. For example, the search [ ceska -posta ] will return only results that include [ ceska ] but do not include [ posta ]. An unlimited number of words may be excluded from a search, but each of them must be preceded by a minus sign. There must also be at least one valid word included in the search.

A basic search takes into account diacritic marks only if they are entered by the user. A search of [ Husak ] will return results including [ Husak], [ Husák ], [ Hušák ], [ Hušak ] and [ Hůšák]. However, a search of  [ Hušák ] will not return results for [ Husak ]. It will, though, return results for [ Hušak ], because the search engine takes into account only diacritical marks over consonants, and not vowels.  

A basic search does not distinguish between small and capital letters. A search of [ ceska ] and [ Ceska ] will return the same results. To make the distinction between small letters and capital letters, please see the Advanced Commands section below.

You may refine your search by using quotation marks. A search of [ “ceska posta” ] will return only results that match this expression exactly.

Certain signs are ignored. They include ( ) [  ] = + / \. Entries marked by an asterisk [ * ] never appeared in the Fleet Sheet daily bulletin and were added to the database to make it more complete.

Advanced Commands

The Match Case & Diacritics and Whole Word Only commands help to narrow down a search and to avoid finding unwanted entries. If you choose “match case & diacritics,” the engine will search for the words exactly as you have entered them. If you search for ING using “match case & diacritics,” you will eliminate such words as “running” or “leading”.

By choosing “whole word only,” you will eliminate entries containing a key word within other words. For example, to find results for the key word [ art ], you can use the “whole word only” command to avoid results that include “artist”, “start” or “counterpart”.

If you use both commands, you can easily find results for a company called “Art”. Be careful, however, because you might also eliminate references to "Art's" even though this might apply to the company you are interested in. 


In most cases we have used the original Czech spelling. So, for example, you should look for "Komerční banka", “ Česká pošta” or “ŘSD”.  (It is not necessary, however, to use Czech diacritical marks.) Note also that we have followed Czech grammar conventions in terms of the names of companies, so that "banka" is usually not capitalized, although "Komerční" is. If you are unsure about rules of capitalization in Czech, you should avoid making case-sensitive searches ("match case") involving company names. 

Main sources used to compile the Fleet Sheet daily bulletin and Archive.

Bl - Blesk LN - Lidové noviny RK - Respekt
E 15 - E 15 MFD - MF Dnes Tý - Týden
EK - Ekonom P - Právo  
HN - Hospodářské noviny PD - Pražský deník  

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«October 2024 


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E.S. Best s.r.o.
Ovenecká 78/33
170 00 Prague 7
Czech Republic